Papers archive of Annual Meeting

Through the following search engine users can consult through filters of the ORAL TECHNICAL PAPERS AND POSTER from the 36th to the 42nd Annual Meeting

  • Access to the PONENCIAS of the 43rd Annual Meeting will be available only to its attendees privately. LOGIN
  • If you have submitted a paper and want to rectify, incorporate or cancel the registration data, please contact the la TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT.

Through the following search engine users can consult through filters of the TECHNICAL PAPERS ORAL AND POSTER.

Beginning in

45th Annual Meeting SNE 
September 25-27, 2019
Vigo, Galicia (SPAIN)


Technical Secretary

  ponencias (@)
  91 373 47 50
 C/Capitán Haya, 56. 7D
28020 Madrid

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General Secretary

More information about registration, billing or activities:

  reunionanual (@)
  91 308 63 18
  91 308 63 44
  C/Campoamor 17, 1º
28004 Madrid